NAVI Notify
NAVI Solutions is improving the operational continuity of facility infrastructure through the methods of IIoT, the Industrial Internet of Things, transforming essential building systems into connected IIoT smart devices.
NAVI has adapted ISO 9001 wireless technology with 25,000 units currently monitoring wireless carrier networks to the monitoring of commercial and industrial building systems and equipment.
NAVI Notify™ Wireless Pumping System Alarms
Inexpensive insurance against pumping disasters
Pumping Systems are the heart of your building. What happens when they fail?
It's your job to make sure nothing goes wrong. When it does, don't be the last to know.
When things go wrong, time is working against you. Water pressure is not maintained, heating and cooling are not delivered, wastewater is not disposed, fuel is not delivered, and manufacturing processes stop. Operations, equipment, property, and revenue are at risk. When your pumps don’t work people go home.
Built on industrial controls and pumping systems expertise, backed by ISO 9001 technology widely used to monitor wireless carrier networks , NAVI Notify™ delivers direct and immediate wireless alarm notifications. Eliminate the delays and message failures associated with property networks, BMS platforms, alarm services, and management escalation protocols.
You want to know now, not after the fact.

NAVI Notify™ is a wireless message notification system that translates dry contact alarm inputs, analog inputs, and loss-of-power conditions into pre-formatted outbound text messages to multiple cellular telephone numbers.
NAVI Notify™ provides direct and immediate notification of pumping system alarms to maintenance personnel, facilities managers and property stakeholders ensuring critical conditions are identified and can be corrected before equipment and property are damaged or an impact to utilization and revenue is experienced.
Installed adjacent to facility critical pumping systems, NAVI Notify™ includes a UPS powered Alarm Message Processor with an integrated User Interface, and a managed VPN cellular data router in a NEMA 4X enclosure.
Inexpensive insurance against extended property damage and prolonged out-of-service conditions
NAVI Notify™ Wireless Pumping System Alarms
NAVI Notify™
Wireless Pumping System Alarms
Real-time alarm monitoring
Delivers specific alarm messages
Up to 12 digital alarm sensors
1 analog alarm sensor
Monitors system status and health
Independent of building systems
Immediate direct notifications
Local and remote management
Installation & Set-up
Flexible mounting options
Wireless – No cables. No IT set-up.
Fully activated cell data VPN router
Basic 2 or 4 wire sensor connections
Connects to pump power source
Enter alarm descriptions
Enter recipient cell phone numbers
Pumping Systems
Water Pressure Boosters
HVAC Circulation Systems
Process & Heat Exchange Systems
Condensate & Boiler Feed Systems
Water & Wastewater Systems
Sump & Sewage systems
Fuel Oil Delivery Systems

Notify™ is delivered with pre-activated cellular communications. No carrier set-up. No IT set-up. No network set-up.
Notify™ provides simple, direct alarm notifications without the complexities of control system and network integrations.
Mount it. Wire it. Enter names, numbers and alarm lables. You're protected.

Other cellular dialing systems utilize carrier voice networks to deliver messages.​
Notify™ rides on a secure managed cellular data VPN providing continuous connectivity monitoring and Notify status.
NAVI management dashboard provides remote diagnostic and support access.
Pump System Status Monitoring
Suction & Discharge Pressure
Fluid Temperature
Flow Rate Monitoring
High & Low Level
Reliability & Availability
Managed Cellular VPN Data Network
Continuous connectivity monitoring
Continuous unit health monitoring
Remote Management & Support
Secure, Reliable, Available
Pump System Health Monitoring
Motor Vibration
Motor Temperature
Fluid/Water/FuelOil Presence
Industrial/Commercial Environments
120 to 280 VAC or 240 to 480 VAC
Weatherproof NEMA 4X Enclosure
Complies with IIoT standards
Industrial grade components

Notify™ connectivity is provided by a secure managed cellular data Virtual Private Network (VPN).
VPN connectivity provides secure remote diagnostic access while protecting the unit from any unauthorized access.

Any 2-wire, contact-closure, switch-type or analog sensor may be connected to the Notify™ Wireless Pump Alarm.
If additional sensors are needed, contact us and we can make a recommendation.
NAVI Solutions NotifyTM Wireless Pumping System Alarm